Archive for the 'Des Moines Register' Category
Tuesday, August 14th, 2012
DES MOINES – Everyone wants a turn in the spotlight. Small states and smaller towns in particular position themselves as, say, the World’s Sock Capital (Fort Payne, AL), Artichoke Capital (Castroville, CA) Paddlefish Capital (Fort Thompson, SD). Indeed, you could excite spouse and family by saying next year’s vacation will be to world capitals. Even [...]
Posted in 2012 elections, Des Moines Register, Iowa caucuses, New York Times, News Industry | No Comments
Tuesday, August 7th, 2012
In the wake of the killings at the Sikh temple near Milwaukee, Bob Schieffer on the CBS evening news wondered what the killer’s motive possibly could be. And in today’s Des Moines Register, a headline over a front-page column said we had to stop this cycle of “retribution.” Motive? Retribution? Is the press that clueless? [...]
Posted in Criminal justice system, Des Moines Register, Gun Control, Guns, Journalism | Comment (1)
Monday, July 9th, 2012
DES MOINES–An ongoing sex-riddled saga and scandal in Central Iowa and its attendant news coverage call to mind the tagline for the 1963 Billy Wilder comedy “Irma La Douce” – “ A story of passion, bloodshed, desire and death…everything, in fact, that makes life worth living.” Only in the Des Moines area, it might be: [...]
Posted in Des Moines Register, Journalism, Secrecy | No Comments
Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012
Democrats are extremely fortunate that they did not fall for John Edwards’ good looks, charm and smooth talking populism and make him their party’s presidential nominee in 2004. If they had, and Edwards had won the race against George W. Bush, the party and the country would now be knee-deep in the seamy story of [...]
Posted in Des Moines Register | No Comments
Friday, April 27th, 2012
Thank you, David Carr, of The New York Times, for clarifying for me how I got the idea that race had figured in the fatal encounter between George Zimmerman and his victim, Trayvon Martin. I must have gotten the idea through the process of osmosis that comes into play when a major news organization broadcasts [...]
Posted in Des Moines Register, George Zimmerman, New York Times, News Industry, Press corrections, Trayvon Martin | Comment (1)
Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
Two names come to mind when one considers who will win and who will lose in the Iowa GOP caucuses Tuesday, Jan. 3. That’s when Republican party faithful will gather at 1,744 precincts across the state, ending the three or four years of political maneuvering that lead to the kickoff of the 2012 presidential campaign. [...]
Posted in 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Des Moines Register, Gingrich, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Obama, Religion and Politics, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, The 2011 Iowa GOP caucuses | No Comments
Saturday, November 19th, 2011
Where is the like of Hubert Humphrey when the Republicans so desperately need him — particularly when it comes to the Iowa GOP caucuses? The late Democratic U.S. senator and vice president (1911-1978) came to mind because of the continuing failure of just about any Iowa Republican, save one or two maybe, to speak up [...]
Posted in 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Civil Rights, Democratic party, Des Moines Register, Iowa GOP platform, Iowa caucuses, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Politics, Religion and Politics, Republican party | Comment (1)
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011
With two months to go before the Iowa Republican Party caucuses on Jan. 3, 2012, here is a one-question multiple choice quiz for you. Q: Which of the following characterizes the Iowa GOP caucuses? A. What a mess! B. Our long national nightmare is almost over! C. Hey! Let’s do this again in 2016! D. [...]
Posted in 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Des Moines Register, Iowa caucuses, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Republican party | Comments (3)
Friday, September 23rd, 2011
Inquiring minds may want to know how Iowans feel now that Rep. Michele Bachmann has dropped sharply in the GOP presidential derby. After all, the Hawkeye state often fashions itself as a presidential kingmaker, and it was Iowans — well, right-wing, evangelistic Iowans — who had crowned Bachmann as a frontrunner for the Republican Party’s [...]
Posted in 2011 Iowa GOP Straw Poll, 2012 Iowa GOP caucuses, 2012 elections, Des Moines Register, Iowa GOP platform, Iowa caucuses, Journalism, Michele Bachmann, Politics, Republican party | No Comments
Sunday, August 7th, 2011
DES MOINES–The Des Moines Register will no longer allow people to post anonymous online comments about items published in the paper. On Aug. 7, Julie Thompson, the paper’s digital editor, wrote that effective August 11th, “You will have to have a Facebook account to comment, which will eliminate use of anonymous screen names.” For years, [...]
Posted in Anonymous comments, Des Moines Register, Journalism, News Industry | No Comments