Watchdog Blog

Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Morton Mintz: Will We Stay Forever in Iraq? The White House Won’t Say

“On the rare occasions when officials have been pressed, usually in congressional hearings that garner little attention, Bush aides insist there are ‘no plans’ to build permanent bases,” Spencer Ackerman writes in The American Prospect. This is “a nondenial-denial that focuses attention on unprovable administration intent. But beyond intent is actual construction. That is, the [...]

Saul Friedman: So We Don’t Forget

I know the White House press and the press secretary are busy with other subjects, like nukes in North Korea, and the Foley Follies. And as Walter Lippmann observed, the press too often can shine its light on only one thing at a time. But as someone who attended many a White House and State [...]