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Myra MacPherson: It’s Not Too Late to Enlist, William Kristol

While he may possibly have flat feet and at 55 is probably a bit long in the tooth for battle, gung ho neocon William Kristol still could join the “all volunteer” army if he wanted to serve in some capacity. After all, this is a war that he and other neocons have championed– for someone [...]

Myra MacPherson: Confessions of a Primary Addict

I knew I was losing it when I turned on the TV at 6:30 pm for the final roundup last night. That was way too early for anyone with a real life. Obama, McCain and Clinton wouldn’t speak for eons. Polls in Montana and South Dakota wouldn’t close for hours and here I was, with [...]

Myra MacPherson: Much Ado about Some Small Things – and Nothing

All the media hoopla over Scott McClellan’s book would lead someone to think that he had uncovered secret Bush-Cheney-Rove plans to nuke Iran. The most succinct comment on the tube came from Watergate specialist John Dean who said that the book corroborated what anyone but a Rip Van Winkle has known lo these years—the staging [...]

Myra MacPherson: Low Roads and What the Media Should be Asking

Finally, a mainstream columnist has hit hard at the heart of the smarmiest aspect of the Clinton campaign. On Saturday, Bob Herbert quoted Hillary in the New York Times:”There’s a pattern emerging here,” said Mrs. Clinton. Herbert remarked: “There is, indeed. There was a name for it when the Republicans were using that kind of [...]

Myra MacPherson: Is the Mainstream Media Too Lily-White?

In the hours before Indiana went slightly for Hillary Clinton and North Carolina went big for Barack Obama, John Harwood of the New York Times was also on MSNBC interviewing — guess who — another reporter for the New York Times, John Broder, who’s been traveling with the Clinton campaign. And if you missed them [...]

Myra MacPherson: The Wright Excuse

“Don’t be fooled by the numbers” e-mailed a lawyer friend who practices in a hamlet in the mountains of North Carolina. He was talking about Obama’s then-13-point edge in some polls. “Of course folks are going to tell an outsider that race is not a problem but it’s different when they actually vote.” This pre-Rev. [...]

Myra MacPherson: The Campaign on a Monday in the Paper of Record

While a rather ordinary day for campaign coverage, yesterday was a good one in which to examine the New York Times. Once one got over the whopper of a front page headline typo in some editions—“When Foreigners by (should be “buy”) the Factory”—there was an arresting lead story that shouted: “Top Clinton Aide Leaving His [...]

Myra MacPherson: Pastor Imperfect

Twenty years ago I watched in amazement as a Southern audience gave Jesse Jackson a stomping, hooting standing ovation during his 1988 Presidential campaign. What was notable was that the entire hall was filled with down-at-the heels coalminers–and each and every one was white. Hitting hard at Reagonomics, which had double-punched working class men and [...]

Myra MacPherson: Lobby Hottie — What if Vicky had been Victor?

Just suppose the lobbyist who buddied up to John McCain eight years ago and bragged about having an inside track with the senator happened to be a fat, balding, cigar-chomping dispenser of money and seats on the corporate jet—name of Victor, not Vicki. Would The New York Times have focused so strongly on what two [...]

Myra MacPherson: Molly Ivins, Elvis and Obama

In December 2006, the ever-prescient columnist and best-selling author Molly Ivins was asked whether or not Barack Obama should run for president. Her answer: “Yes, he should run. He’s the only Democrat with any ‘Elvis’ to him.” The month before, I was sitting with Molly in the Texas State Capitol listening to Obama address an [...]