Lawrence Norden
Lawrence Norden is the author of the just published The Machinery of Democracy: Protecting Elections in an Electronic World (Academy Chicago Press). He is a counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice Democracy Program and was the Chair of the Brennan Center Task Force on Voting System Security. As Counsel at the Brennan Center, Mr. Norden works in the areas of voting systems, voting rights and government accountability. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago and New York University School of Law.
HR 811 would require a paper trail
ASK THIS | May 24, 2007
Some in Congress, like Rush Holt, are calling for stringent vote security measures for states that use electronic voting machines, to be in place by 2008. It has a majority of House members as co-sponsors, and Dianne Feinstein says she will introduce a similar bill in the Senate. Reporters might find out what House and Senate members in their area have to say about a bill like this.
Making touch-screen voting more reliable
ASK THIS | May 20, 2007
Some in Congress, like Rush Holt, are calling for stringent vote security measures to be in place by 2008. Holt's bill, HR811, is short only two co-sponsors in the House and Dianne Feinstein says she will introduce a similar bill in the Senate. Reporters might find out what House and Senate members in their area have to say about a bill like this.
More last-minute questions about e-voting
ASK THIS | October 24, 2006
Are you ready for an electronic voting nightmare in your area? Are your election officials? Here are some questions for before and after the upcoming elections.
Following up on an important GAO report on electronic voting
ASK THIS | November 28, 2005
A recent GAO Report on electronic voting systems points to a number of security and reliability problems. Many of these problems can only be remedied by system vendors and state and local election officials. What steps are your state and local election officials taking in response to the report?
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