Lee Helfrich
Lee Ellen Helfrich is a partner of Lobel, Novins & Lamont, where she specializes in energy and public lands policy and legal ethics. She represented California in the first suit against Interior for an accounting in the early 1980s, which was settled after the enactment of the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act. Ms. Helfrich also helped organize the State and Tribal Royalty Audit Committee and served as a public representative on Interior’s Royalty Policy Committee. On behalf of private clients, she has monitored Interior’s revenue collection program for 25 years.
Ms. Helfrich received her law degree from the American University Washington College of Law and her Masters in Law from the Harvard Law School.
The case for taxing the very rich
COMMENTARY | November 04, 2009
There's no real economic recovery while so many Americans remain jobless. A new stimulus could bring about full employment, write Martin Lobel and Lee Ellen Helfrich, but it would be expensive. One way to fund it would be to increase taxes on the very rich, and cut their tax loopholes.
Why gas is almost $4 a gallon and some ideas on what to do about it
COMMENTARY | May 01, 2008
Separating the real from wishful thinking on energy independence, short- and long-term oil price solutions, subsidies, speculation and government regulation.
DC lawyer again blasts Interior over handling of Indian trust
COMMENTARY | January 25, 2006
Responding to spokesman Ross Swimmer’s posting on this Web site, Lee Helfrich portrays the Interior Department as “Blunderland” and questions the agency’s sincerity and competence.
Cobell v. Norton, ‘A window on the balance of power in Washington’
ASK THIS | December 16, 2005
D.C. attorney Lee Helfrich writes: “Cobell …has included several instances of overt deception, intentional and negligent destruction of records, and efforts to mute truthful testimony. Any District of Columbia litigator would know better than to try this stuff with Lamberth on the bench.”
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