Ryan King
Ryan S. King is a Policy Analyst with The Sentencing Project in Washington, DC. His research specialization is the American correctional system, with a particular concentration on the radiating effects of incarceration upon individuals, families and the community at large. His most recent work is an analysis of marijuana arrests during the 1990s. Past research has included a study of the localized impact of felony disenfranchisement laws in Atlanta, GA, a national profile of life sentences, an analysis of the economic effects of siting a prison in a rural community, and a statistical profile of state prison inmates incarcerated on drug charges.
Areas of research interest include felony disenfranchisement, sentencing legislation, incarceration and crime rates, drug policy, and the nexus of class, race and incarceration. Mr. King has written for the New York Times and The Washington Post and has appeared on a broad range of local and national talk radio programs to discuss sentencing and corrections issues, including NPR’s The Tavis Smiley Show and Talk of the Nation. In addition, Mr. King is frequently invited to speak at conferences and other events to discuss the work of The Sentencing Project.
Time to change cocaine sentencing minimums?
ASK THIS | March 24, 2006
Is the possession of 5 grams of crack cocaine equivalent to the sale of 500 grams of powdered cocaine? The laws say it is but the Sentencing Commission and other experts don’t agree.
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