Pedro de la Torre
Pedro de la Torre III is an Advocacy Senior Associate, Campus Progress, at the Center for American Progress in Washington, DC, Campus Progress works to help young people make their voices heard on issues that matter to them, including affordable higher education opportunities and fair and manageable student borrowing programs. De la Torre has worked on improving college affordability and protecting the free exchange of ideas on campus at both the state and national level, and coordinates Campus Progress efforts on this issue. He has advocated on behalf of increased investment in higher education, restoring integrity to the financial aid system, improving protections for borrowers, increasing grant aid, and related issues.
Sweeping change for the better in student loans
ASK THIS | March 29, 2009
Obama’s proposed overhaul of the student financial aid system would pump in more funding and still result in savings to taxpayers. Naturally, therefore, it is generating controversy and misinformation.
Following up on Obama’s plans for higher education
ASK THIS | March 23, 2009
Can the U.S., now lagging badly, regain a position as one of the world leaders in educational attainment? Pedro de la Torre III poses some questions and offers leads for reporters.
Educational attainment drops as student debt goes up
ASK THIS | September 21, 2006
On average, U.S. students must take on larger student debt loads than ever to go to college and in amounts greater than their counterparts internationally. How is Generation Debt dealing with or avoiding student loans?
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