Michael Russell
Michael Rusell is an Associate Professor in the Lynch School of Education and the director of the Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC) at Boston College. Michael has worked with several states to explore the application of computers to state testing programs. He also directs a three year federally funded project to develop computer-based diagnostic algebra tests. In addition, Michael has conducted several studies that examine the validity of computer-based and paper-based tests for computer-literate students. Michael is the founder and Chief Editor of the Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment and has been a member of the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy (CSTEEP) since 1994 and the National Board on Educational Testing and Public Policy (NBETPP) since its inception in 1998. His research interests lie at the intersection of technology, learning, and assessment and include applications of technology to testing and impacts of technology on students and their learning.
The untested theories behind No Child Left Behind
ASK THIS | January 15, 2007
President Bush’s signature education bill is up for renewal. Two Boston College education professors suggest that all this testing may be doing more harm than good.
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