John Britton
John H. Britton, a resident of Nashville, Tenn., his hometown, is a former reporter for the Atlanta (Ga.) Daily World and a former managing editor of Jet, the weekly news magazine published by Johnson Publishing Co., Inc., of Chicago.
His employment beyond journalism included a brief stint on the business side of The Washington Post and 19 years as principal spokesman for the University of the District of Columbia. Earlier, as chief public affairs officer with the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, he edited and wrote news and features for Focus, the monthly newsletter published by that Washington, D.C., think tank.
Currently, he serves as assistant to the president for special projects at Meharry Medical College in Nashville.
Tracking down racist killers from the 50s, 60s and 70s
ASK THIS | August 15, 2005
John Britton says that while a resolution by Senators apologizing for past inaction made headlines, he’d like to see more substantive measures
Government reduces in-prison education even though it helps lower recidivism
ASK THIS | July 30, 2005
John Britton offers guidance on a story begging to be reported wherever there’s a prison, or ex-offenders.
Why aren’t there more blacks performing or leading in classical music?
ASK THIS | July 21, 2005
It’s nice that Marin Alsop, a woman, got to be conductor in Baltimore. But for John Britton it raises a different set of questions.
On shooting down planes over residential neighborhoods
ASK THIS | May 26, 2005
Is the government taking into consideration what might happen on the ground if a plane is shot out of the sky over Washington?
Dealing with health care disparities
ASK THIS | April 05, 2004
Needed: more emphasis on diseases, treatment of minorities
Race and class and the right to vote
ASK THIS | April 05, 2004
Both broke the law. One can vote; the other can't. Why?
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