Robert Dreyfuss covers national security for Rolling Stone and writes frequently for The American Prospect, The Nation, Mother Jones, and the Washington Monthly. He is the author of Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam. His web site and blog, The Dreyfuss Report, can be found at
Who's the enemy? ASK THIS | November 12, 2007 Robert Dreyfuss writes that it's getting harder to find any bad guys in Iraq. So maybe it's time to get out, and cede control to a new Iraqi government untainted by American oversight.
The media’s tragic misunderstanding of Iraqi domestic politics ASK THIS | July 09, 2007 The conventional media narrative about Iraqi politics misses all sorts of hugely important factors. Robert Dreyfuss raises some provocative questions journalists should be asking about motivations, alliances – and whether the U.S. is backing all the wrong people.