Larry Sabato
“Politics is a good thing!” … is the slogan of Dr. Larry J. Sabato. According to the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Sabato is “probably the most quoted college professor in the land”. The Washingtonian magazine has called him “the Dr. Phil of American Politics”, and he was named the most accurate prognosticator of 2006 by Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, and Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism. At home both in the classroom and in the anchor booth, Dr. Sabato bridges the gap between the ivory tower and the real world on issues of critical importance to American democracy and the challenges facing our political process. The author of over 20 books and countless essays on politics, Dr. Sabato has also served on many national and state commissions, and is the recipient of more than two-dozen major scholarships, grants, and academic awards. He is a chaired professor of Politics at the University of Virginia and director of the U-Va. Center for Politics, founded in 1998 to improve civic education and the political process, and in doing so make government more relevant, more accessible, and more meaningful for the average American. His latest projects include The Sixth Year Itch, A More Perfect Constitution, and "Sabato's Crystal Ball," a website dedicated to the analysis and prediction of the upcoming Governor, House, Senate, and Presidential races.
Questions Sabato would put to the candidates
ASK THIS | December 08, 2007
In a new book, Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia puts aside issues of the day to take a more long-range look at the structure of government in the U.S.
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