In 2008, Christopher J. Fettweis returned to Tulane University’s Department of Political Science following three years of teaching U.S. foreign policy and grand strategy at the US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. He is the author of Losing Hurts Twice as Bad: The Four Stages to Moving Beyond Iraq, as well as a number of articles on U.S. national security strategy that have appeared in a variety of journals and newspapers. He has made many appearances in the national media discussing the way forward in Iraq, among other things.
Watch out for the 'victory myth' ASK THIS | October 20, 2008 The reduction in violence in Iraq is allowing a significant segment of our society to believe what we all desperately want to be true: That the war began badly, but is ending as an honorable, glorious success. Author Christopher Fettweis proposes some reality-checking questions for political candidates.