Ralph Lopez is co-founder and director of Jobs for Afghans, a citizens' advocacy organization dedicated to Afghan-led, bottom-up development in Afghanistan. He is a freelance journalist and blogger who has published in the Boston Globe and the Baltimore Sun, as well as online at Alternet.org, Consortiumnews.com, AfterDowningStreet, and many other online journals. He filmed and produced the independent documentary film "Afghan Marshall Plan: Winning with Job not Guns." He is a graduate of Yale Unversity.
The real story behind Time’s Afghan woman cover: American complicity COMMENTARY | August 11, 2010 The repressive and misogynistic forces the picture depicts are the very ones that were bolstered by U.S. policy in the early 1980s, and again now. The head of Jobs for Afghans proposes an answer to 'warlordism' and its medieval attitude toward women.