Donovan McClure
A former reporter for the Akron Beacon Journal and the San Francisco Chronicle, Donovan McClure has spent the past three decades working with trade unions, including a lengthy stint as public affairs director for AFSCME, and since 1984 as senior vice president of The Kamber Group, a labor-oriented communications firm. He was with the Peace Corps for the first seven years of its existence (1961-68), as associate director in Washington, DC, and overseas as country director in Turkey and Sierra Leone. McClure served as Jay Rockefeller’s first press secretary (when Rockefeller was West Virginia’s secretary of state) and as Gene McCarthy’s last (during his tumultuous run for President in 1968). Phone: 202/223-8700 Fax: 202/659-5559
What are "card checks," and why is the NLRB questioning their legality?
ASK THIS | July 01, 2004
Donovan McClure, a union advocate, says membership in labor unions isn't shrinking fast enough for the majority of the National Labor Relations Board.
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