Sam Raphael
Sam Raphael is a senior lecturer in International Relations at Kingston University, London and co-director of The Rendition Project.
His research focuses on the intersection between US foreign policy, human rights and counterterrorism. He completed his PhD at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, where he examined the academic field of ‘terrorism studies’ and the ways in which this body of expertise worked to legitimate US counterterrorism campaigns in the global South.
He has also published on the topics of Colombian state terror, and on US energy security, global oil supplies and human rights (where he charted the evolution of US strategy and the provision of counterinsurgency training and arms to oil-rich states outside of the Middle East).
He is co-author, with Doug Stokes, of Global Energy Security and American Hegemony (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), and has published in various edited volumes and academic journals.
Ten years later, renditions continue and questions remain unanswered
COMMENTARY | June 04, 2012
Many of the Bush administration's illicit practices with regard to the treatment of terror suspects continue. Two scholars whose new website showcases what we do know about the practice call attention here to all the things we still don't know.
The website is no longer being updated. Watchdog stories have a new home in Nieman Reports.