Lisa Getter
Lisa Getter worked for 22 years at daily newspapers, including stints at the Miami Herald where she was twice a member of Pulitzer Prize winning investigative teams, and at the Los Angeles Times. She was a 1995 Nieman Fellow.
Most recently, she worked for six years as an investigative reporter in the Washington Bureau of the Los Angeles Times. Prior to that, she worked for 16 years at the Miami Herald.
She joined the Miami Herald right out of college. During her years there, Getter exposed corrupt cops and politicians. Her report on the shortcomings of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service won Harvard's Goldsmith Prize in Investigative Reporting. She was a key member of the team that won the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for public service, documenting how South Florida's building codes and lax inspection practices led to the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew. She was also a writer and reporter on the Herald team that uncovered massive voter fraud in a city election, work that won the 1999 Pulitzer Prize in investigative reporting.
At The Los Angeles Times, Getter uncovered problems at the National Imagery and Mapping Agency and arbitrary decision-making by America's immigration judges. She also revealed the inner-workings of the group behind the annual National Prayer Breakfast. Known as The Fellowship, it has had extraordinary access to world and national leaders for more than 50 years. She most recently covered campaign finance in the 2004 presidential elections.
She also served on the national board of directors of Investigative Reporters and Editors.
She is now editorial director of UCG, a business information publisher in Rockville, Md.
Looking for answers in the wake of a hurricane
ASK THIS | September 08, 2005
Lisa Getter (Nieman Class of '95), a member of the Miami Herald’s Pulitzer winning team for coverage of Hurricane Andrew in 1992, has some suggestions for reporting the Katrina story.
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