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James Forest

James JF Forest is Assistant Professor and Director of Terrorism Studies at the United States Military Academy, West Point, which involves an array of curricular development and research initiatives for the USMA Combating Terrorism Center. He has also  worked on projects for several U.S. government agencies. He teaches courses on international relations, comparative politics, information warfare, terrorism/counterterrorism, and political development in sub-Saharan Africa.

He began his career in higher education working as a policy analyst for the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education and as a research associate for the Boston College Center for International Higher Education. He has served as director of research and technology for the Ford Foundation's National Center for Urban Partnerships and assistant to the president for strategic planning and analysis at Franklin Pierce College.

Recent publications include: The Making of a Terrorist: Recruitment, Training and Root Causes (3 volumes) (Praeger Security International, 2005); Oil and Terrorism in the New Gulf: Framing U.S. Energy and Security Policies for the Gulf of Guinea (with Matt Sousa; Lexington Press, 2006); Terrorism and Homeland Security: Readings and Interpretations (McGraw-Hill, 2005, with Russell Howard and Joanne Moore); and a 200-page annotated bibliography of research on terrorism and counterterrorism. Forthcoming publications include: Teaching Terror: Strategic and Tactical Learning in the Terrorist World (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006); Homeland Security: Protecting America's Targets (3 volumes) (Praeger Security International, 2006); and Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century (3 volumes) (Praeger Security International, 2007).

He holds graduate degrees from Boston College and Stanford University, and undergraduate degrees from Georgetown University and De Anza College.



The role of everyday citizens in homeland security
ASK THIS | September 06, 2006
Instead of just fueling public fears, the government could actually strengthen public resilience, writes James Forest, who teaches terrorism studies at West Point. Last in a series about homeland security.

When market forces aren’t enough
ASK THIS | August 16, 2006
James Forest, who teaches terrorism studies at West Point, wonders what happens if market forces alone don’t lead private companies to sufficiently protect and insure critical infrastructure. Third in a series about homeland security.

Is the best defense a good offense? Or a good defense?
ASK THIS | August 09, 2006
James Forest, who teachers terrorism studies at West Point, wonders what more effectively reduces national risk: $3.1 billion for a squadron of F-22 fighters, or $3.1 billion for port security? Second in a series about homeland security.

Five years and billions of dollars later: Still too many unanswered questions about homeland security
ASK THIS | August 02, 2006
James Forest, who teaches terrorism studies at West Point, wonders if government agencies charged with protecting the homeland have gradually reverted to business as usual, where policies are influenced by political expediency rather than a genuine response to threats. First in a series about homeland security.

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