E.J. Graff
E.J. Graff is a Senior Researcher at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University.
In that position, Graff is heading the Gender and Justice Project, where she is investigating and exposing some of the serious inequities, injustices, and human rights issues that confront many women and their families.
Most recently, Graff collaborated on former Lt. Governor Evelyn Murphy's book Getting Even: Why Women Still Don't Make As Much As Men--And What To Do So We Will (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 2005). Her first book, What Is Marriage For? The Strange Social History of Our Most Intimate Institution, examined 2,500 years of a central pillar of social life, and asked why, for the first time in history, our society is considering opening the institution to same-sex couples.
Since 2001, she has been a Resident Scholar at the Brandeis Women's Studies Research Center. She has been a Liberal Arts Fellow in Law and Journalism at Harvard Law School, a recipient of The Nation Investigative Fund Research Award, and a Visiting Scholar at the Radcliffe Institute's Schlesinger Library, where she wrote her first book.
Graff is a senior correspondent for The American Prospect and a contributor to TPMCafe.com. Her work has appeared in such publications as the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Columbia Journalism Review, Los Angeles Times, Ms., The Nation, The New Republic, Women's Review of Books, and in a score of anthologies. As an expert in social policy, she has appeared in several documentaries; has frequently been interviewed by public and commercial media outlets such as NPR, CBC, BBC, PBS, MTV, satellite radio, and cable news; and gives talks and engages in debates at universities, conventions, churches, synagogues, and other public forums, in the U.S. and abroad.
What about problems of working mothers in your area?
ASK THIS | May 08, 2007
Traditionally, mothers or mothers-to-be have faced what researchers call a ‘maternal wall’—either pushed out by inflexible scheduling or penalized in other ways. What’s the story in your community? E.J. Graff has questions that can get you started on some very strong news stories. [Last in a series]
The Care Crisis: How do employers deal with working families?
ASK THIS | May 01, 2007
Some employers have creative policies to accommodate family needs but others are inflexible. E.J. Graff says this is a subject that needs more reporting, and offers some good questions for starters. Third in a series
How is the 'care gap' handled in your area?
ASK THIS | April 24, 2007
The Care Crisis: What resources does your community have for children growing up in working families? Second in a series.
School day ends at 3, workday for parents at 5 or later. Why do we take that for granted?
ASK THIS | April 19, 2007
Reporters and editors should try to find out: How much of a problem is the so-called ‘care crisis’ in your community, and what can be done about it?
How the press keeps missing the facts about working mothers
COMMENTARY | March 19, 2007
Brandeis researcher E.J. Graff says recurring media reports citing a trend among educated women to drop their careers rather than try to get to the top are inaccurate and the result of lazy reporting.
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