Sig Christenson
Sig Christenson is a senior writer covering the military for the San Antonio Express-News and been with the paper since 1997. He was embedded with the 3rd Infantry Division during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, and has since returned to Baghdad four times as a unilateral and embedded reporter. He has worked extensively overseas, traveling to South Korea, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, Italy, Germany, France and England, as well as Kuwait and Qatar. A Houston native, he has also covered the Branch Davidian siege, the 1994 Pensacola abortion clinic shooting, the 2003 space shuttle breakup over Texas and a series of hurricanes, tropical storms and floods since 1986, the latest Rita and Katrina.
Christenson's major projects at the Express-News include “Witness to War,” a special section recounting the invasion and early occupation of Iraq, and “The Only Retreat,” a three-part series detailing the sole U.S. defeat in Gulf War II. He has won awards from the Associated Press and Hearst Newspapers, and was named “Reporter of the Year” by his peers in 2004 for his work in Iraq. He is a graduate of the University of Houston, and is co-founder and former president of Military Reporters & Editors.
A reporter speaks out about the Iraq war and news coverage
COMMENTARY | August 06, 2007
Sig Christenson of the San Antonio Express-News ridicules comments by politicians, laments the lack of reporters covering the war, and cites ground rules that are crippling for photojournalists. He says the media aren’t pressing for answers to vital and obvious questions, such as what plans the Pentagon has for an exit strategy.
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