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Noel Hammatt

Noel Hammatt has been involved in education research for nearly thirty years. He taught middle school and high school social studies in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System, and recently retired from the Faculty of the College of Education at Louisiana State University (LSU) where he taught a wide variety of graduate and undergraduate courses for more than 20 years, along with serving as the interface between the worlds of theory and practice for teacher candidates.

Hammatt also served for 16 years as an elected School Board member in East Baton Rouge Parish, one of the largest school systems in the United States and recently served as President of the Louisiana School Boards Association.  

He received a BS from the University of Maryland in Business Management (Summa Cum Laude) with a minor in Political Science, and an MA in Curriculum and Instruction and the Certificate of Education Specialist (also in Curriculum and Instruction) from Louisiana State University. to his birth, was successfully concluded.

His research interests have shifted over the years from a focus on curriculum and instruction to the examination of current "reform movements" in public education, and he is currently writing and researching on the intersection of education (broadly defined and lifelong in scope) and schooling (a very particular subset of education).  In particular, he is interested in the various ways that we learn about the world around us, and the limitations of traditional schooling in creating meritocracy.
Hammatt continues to be heavily involved in researching education policy matters at the local, state, national and international levels.




Shifting standards in the world of school reform
ASK THIS | May 25, 2011
Again, Obama singles out as a success story a school that had been failing. But have any reporters dug into the data? Previous success stories touted by the White House have turned out to be a reflection of school-reform hype, not actual educational attainment.

Getting beyond the school-reform hype
ASK THIS | April 22, 2011
An educator asks the press to do its homework and not just parrot leaders who claim great gains in educational achievement. If reporters did that, they would have found that a 60-percent increase in math performance in a Miami school, praised to the skies by President Obama, might not signify very much.

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