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Russ Baker

New York-based Russ Baker is a longtime, award-winning investigative reporter and essayist. His work, which may be seen at www.russbaker.com , has appeared in scores of publications internationally, including The Nation, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, TomPaine.com, Salon.com, Esquire, and the Columbia .Journalism Review, where he is a Contributing Editor. He spent much of last year looking into stories about Bush’s past that had fallen off the radar screen. Baker, who is in the process of setting up a not-for-profit to support investigative reporting, can be reached at russ@russbaker.com .  



A look at the Times's reporting of the secret George W. Bush tapes
COMMENTARY | March 73, 2005
Writer Russ Baker has problems with a The New York Times story, citing a lack of transparency and a need for a high ‘vigilance level.’

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