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Wanted: Tough questions for the presidential debates


The Internet can make the presidential debates better. NiemanWatchdog.org will make it happen – with your help.

NiemanWatchdog.org is soliciting questions that President Bush and Senator Kerry should be asked at the next two presidential debates.


We're looking for submissions from experts and amateurs alike.


We're also scouring blogs and other Web sites looking for questions being posed there.


A few days before each presidential debate, NiemanWatchdog.org will select what we think are the best questions for each candidate, and we'll announce the winners here  — as well as in a press release to major media organizations across the country. We'll make extra sure the moderators see them, too.


The first batch of winners has been posted here.


If you have good questions you think should be asked, let us know. If you've run across some on other Web sites, let us know where.


The best way to submit your questions or Web sites is to post them as a comment to this article. (Come back often to see what people are suggesting.) Alternately, you can e-mail them to: editor@niemanwatchdog.org. Please include your name, hometown, and affiliation if relevant.


To keep this under control, we are asking you to please post no more than three questions a week. Posts in excess of that number will be removed.


The Commission on Presidential Debates has scheduled three presidential debates and one vice presidential debate.


The first presidential debate was held at the University of Miami on Sept. 30 with Jim Lehrer as moderator, and focused primarily on foreign policy. The second presidential debate will be a town meeting at the Washington University in St. Louis on Oct. 8, moderated by Charles Gibson, with questions coming from undecided voters. The third presidential debate will be held at Arizona State University on Oct. 13 with Bob Schieffer as moderator and will focus primarily on domestic policy.


The vice presidential debate will be held on Oct. 5 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland with Gwin Ifill moderating.

Do you want the Deaf vote?
Posted by Denise
10/288/2008, 10:50 AM

My name is Denise. I am 17 years old and I am hearing. I have been studying sign language and Deaf culture for over a year, and I will continue to study it throughout my life. When listening to the presidential debates, the candidates always say what they are going to change for the average American, but what about the average Deaf American? What are they going to do to improve life for the Deaf? The canidates have not even touched the topic. Here is an example of the ignorance of lawmakers:
South Dakota: State Raids Funds For the Deaf

Sioux Falls / - The Argus Leader has reported that the state is transferring funds out the Telecommunications Relay Service Fund and spending it on "unspecified purposes." South Dakota lawmakers, at the request of Gov. Mike Rounds' administration, have raided the fund twice in the past two years, withdrawing $2 million to spend on other government services. Advocates for the deaf say that the money should be used to improve relay services and access. The transfers are not illegal, but does move money out of a fund specifically set up for relay services for the deaf. Critics said the transfers were buried in the appropriations bill, and most lawmakers were not aware of them. The fund is accumulated by a 15 cent charge on monthly telephone services.
(World Without Hearing News )

I want to know how the canidates will make sure that what happened in South Dakota will not happen again. I would also like to know what they are going to do to improve the Deaf community and their lifestyles. Thank you for your time on this important subject.

Director of Project Engineering in a local MFG COMPANY
Posted by Ed Cosper
09/261/2011, 01:16 PM

As an typical american making between 50-60K/year in Sr mgt at an American manufacturing plant, I consider myself middle class and I end up actually paying taxes every year and have for most of my adult life.

However, I help a lot of my friends and family do their taxes and find so many of my family and friends end up getting anywhere between $3,000-$9,000.00 in refunds MORE than they paid in. I challenge this as a "tax break". A net result of paying ZERO taxes would be tax break. Getting more back then you paid into the system is simple welfare and wealth distribution via the IRS system.

My question is is two parts. The first I am requesting either a yes or no answer to avoid a non answer via he typical political speak that is so often accepted as an answer when it in fact does not answer the direct question. This second is for information only as I am certain must of us that actually end up with a net result of paying taxes would like to know.

Question 1. Would you vote yes to an immediate change in the tax code to limit refunds to ONLY the actual amount paid in?

Question 2. Do you or your team have any idea just how much money is redistrubuted via paying refunds to people far in excess to what they paid in and could result in an immediate and quanifiable savings if this practice were stopped?

Ed Cosper

Temple, Texas

What about the other guy ?
Posted by Jauhn Schneck
12/343/2011, 08:25 PM

I like to ask 1 major question , We all know what You as a President would do , and how you wanna get there you all have views on what YOU think is a great thing , but i wanna know what YOU think your OPPONENT is going to do right . we are a country of Unity and Togetherness , why not express what your fellow running mate has planned out that is good for America ?

Posted by Wendy
01/03/2012, 06:36 PM

Question for all the Canidates.
You all say, that you will make health care reforms by repealing Obama care. But, I want to know what you will do about the outragous cost of prescritpion drugs. When a prescription costs $78 a pill in the US, but only $12 for the excate same pill in Canada it is an outrage. How do you plan to fix the problem of people having to choose to either buy their prescription or pay for food, housing ect?

Retired Public Employee
Posted by waltpulliam@verizon.net
01/23/2012, 10:09 AM

1. How would you respond if/when Iran obtains a nuclear weapon ?

2. The data indicate middle class wage stagnation ? What specifically would you do to restore upward mobility ?

3. What specifically would you propose to increase employment among the older and/or less educated citizenry ?

4. How would you propose to improve healthcare affordability and accessibility if the current healthcare law is flawed ?

5. How specifically would you propose to bring our deficit under control ?

Posted by jim mcginn
01/23/2012, 10:05 PM

Romney advocates escalation of the Aphgan war. Whose sons does he proposes to use his or mine?

Posted by william L. Fields
01/25/2012, 05:13 PM

In the debate the question was asked or the statement was to submit a bill to help improve the situation were we keep our fuels and oil relying on this country then Why? did he veto or cancel the pipeline from Canada to Texas?

Posted by Joe Henderson
02/53/2012, 07:18 PM

Should presidential candidates be criminally liable if they tell lies to the American people?

Military Retired
Posted by Jonathan Williams
08/233/2012, 05:55 AM

48,000 People have been killed on our southern border of the United States. We all seem to be ignoring that is happening just below us and what is being done about it? It can't just go away or be ignored anymore.So here's the question? As President of the United States what can we do about the drugs,and the killings on our borders.

Posted by Deborah A. Wilcox
08/235/2012, 04:10 PM

To Governor Romney

1. When will you stop telling blatant lies about President gutting Medicare and Welfare?

2. Do you believe that all US citizens and a registered voters have the right to vote and if so why are you trying to disenfranchise so many people from voting in this election?

3. If you want to be the party of "small government" why are you and your party so determined to legislate government regulations about what women can and can not do with their bodies?

Economy: Handling of the Mortgage Crisis
08/236/2012, 09:38 AM

On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate the handling of the mortgage crisis since President Obama came into office. To explain your rating, please specifically address TARP, and subsequent Obama administration initiatives to help struggling home-owners. Do you believe that relieving (or de-leveraging) homeowners of underwater mortgages is key to an economic rebound? If not, why not?

If so, if you were President in the next term, what would you do relieve struggling homeowners burdened by underwater mortgages? Do you believe that banks, which have been returned to double-digit profitability, should take a loss by writing down mortgages to market values?

Posted by Susan Erickson
08/240/2012, 06:36 AM

President Obama has clearly improved relationships with countries that are committed to existing peacefully in this world. In our public schools we teach co-operative learning, we teach children to exist with all races, handicaps and religions. Comments by Mr Romney and the GOP in general project their inability to work well with our existing President, Congress & other countries. One example is the fact that 0% of this nation's African Americans plan to vote for Mr Romney. Most women do not want their government making decisions for them in areas that are personal. How can you be an effective and trusted not to take our country back to the 1960's?

Posted by Susan Erickson
08/240/2012, 06:47 AM

The latest trend of GOP representatives in Congress pledging allegiance to private citizens like Grover Norquist, and private organizations becoming an intimidating presence at polling places has become a trend that I find to be inappropriate. Lobbyists who are buying elections and advancing their agendas with out elected officials can be compared to a private workplace where employees are not concentrating 100% on their own job.

Shouldn't we the voters be able to express our feelings on these blatant obstructions in our government by voting on whether or not these trends should be allowed at all by our elected officials? If we are paying Congress to do our work than shouldn't the people have the right to deny access to politicians when they are at work? How would we place this on the ballot in the next election?

penalty for abortion
Posted by Jim Sanders
09/259/2012, 12:13 PM

If abortion becomes illegal and a woman has an abortion anyway, what crime should she be charged with?

Posted by Claudia
09/261/2012, 01:15 PM

Why should the American public trust a Candidate to improve America, if the candidate keeps his money outside of the country?

Question for Candidates
Posted by Sheila
09/264/2012, 07:15 AM

"Which is the economic school that inspire your economic policy"?

Question for Candidates
Posted by Sheila
09/264/2012, 07:16 AM

"Which is the economic school that inspires your economic policy"?

Do we need a contingency plan?
Posted by Walter Libby
09/266/2012, 10:59 AM

The global economy is contracting as the U.S and the Euro zone, due to their faltering economies, demand less from China who turn demand less from the world. It's a cycle that perpetuates itself pushing the global economy towards a tipping point. So, the question is, with all due respect to your positions, do we need a contingency plan? re: http://theendpoint.blogspot.com/ ...

concerned citizen
Posted by Martha Barrett
09/266/2012, 11:19 PM

How could Obama possibly have allowed HHS to reduce state Welfare work requirements to and hour a week of "Universal Engagement" (ie., getting a massage, writing in a diary, searching for childcare all quality)???

Question for candidates about Congress
Posted by Jessica Harala
09/269/2012, 10:29 PM

Here's my question: How will the elected president make Congress listen to them and cooperate with one another, working together in a timely manner to make decisions? I've noticed that not much change for our country can be done if Congress can't get it together.

Baby Boomer Retirement
Posted by Mary BB
09/270/2012, 02:41 PM

It seems that no-one has even discussed about how the BBs are still working and saturating the marketplace. The BBs are partly the reason for lack of jobs - we can't retire because we were limited to what we can put in our 401K; some people could not even afford to do that. So we can't leave the workforce. The contribution to SS is threatened for future generations when the vast majority do retire. Let's fix this economy issue once and for all. Forget about putting billions into the economy. You're just wasting taxpayer money. Quick hits do not work - We're not a lottery system. What will work - (1) putting 60 million into individual retirement accounts (1 mil ea)for BBs (who have less than 500K) in their 401Ks - set a monthly draw for each - require that draw to pay for our living expenses, insurance, and donation to the 401k for those who follow us - If we pass, the individual account money goes into the SS system. if we accept the plan - we retire from the market - open the job market for others to work. They will buy houses (fix the real estate), buy cars (fix the auto industry), put money back into the economy (build demand for smaller businesses) - require corporations to hire onshore for replacement of BB's and still give them a tax break for doing so. Sounds like a good plan to me - Congress, you're all fired for not figuring this out on your own! I'm not voting for Mitt! Presidents don't create jobs, people do - give us the tools to do so and get all of America back to work. Thanks for listening.

Retired Military (38 yrs)
Posted by Bob
09/272/2012, 08:57 AM

It would be great if instead of telling the American People what the other person is doing wrong. to tell the American People what you as a Presidental Candidate will do right.

The Right to Bear Arms
Posted by Kurt Hillig
09/272/2012, 09:23 AM

The second amendment to the constitution of the United States beginse with these words:

"A well regulated militia being necessary"

What is a "well-regulated militia"?

Questions for Mitt Romey
Posted by Dorothy
09/272/2012, 01:41 PM

Why are you and the Republican Party having fund raisers in Israel and Hong Kong? What paybacks are expected from Israel and China? Are you selling the US to Foreign countries or their citizens?

Posted by Tom Boyles
09/272/2012, 09:59 PM

My question is for the President

Last year we made approximatley the same amount of money. I paid 31% in Federal Tax. The president paid 21% or approximatley $70,000 less than me and he good free food, lodging and great vacations. So why is his solution to raise my taxes vs. him paying his fair share! Between Charitable contribution and Federal taxes at least Gov. Romney contributed 30%+

Posted by Tom Boyles
09/272/2012, 10:01 PM

My question is for the President

Last year we made approximatley the same amount of money. I paid 31% in Federal Tax. The president paid 21% or approximatley $70,000 less than I did and he good free food, lodging and great vacations. So why is his solution to raise my taxes vs. him paying his fair share! Between Charitable contribution and Federal taxes at least Gov. Romney contributed 30%+ to help Americans.

guantanamo bay
Posted by Daniel
09/273/2012, 07:05 AM

One of the most basic principals of "being American" is due process. President O'bama promised to close Guantanamo Bay. Why hasn't that happened and what are the stances of either candidate on closing the prison if they get elected?

Environmental Concern. Questions for both presidential candidates
Posted by Brittany Giunchigliani
09/273/2012, 02:16 PM

Hello, I am a concerned citizen of this country and am appalled that neither of the presidential candidates have touched upon the current and impending environmental issues. I beg you to please raise the question, how high are environmental concerns on your priority list? What do you plan to implement to ensure our environmental protection and greenhouse gas emissions? How do you plan to support the growing green job sector?

Posted by Susan Doederlein
09/273/2012, 04:02 PM

A question for Mitt Romney:

During your governing the State of Massachusetts, you proudly enacted a health care policy which addressed the growing health care access and financial crisis by insuring that all Massachusetts citizens have health insurance coverage. You have stated that you do not support President Obama’s federal heath care initiative because you believe that healthcare reform should be under the purview of state government. In light of this, do you have the support of state governors to institute a Massachusetts style health care system in their states?

Posted by Alan Baren
09/274/2012, 03:58 AM

My questions for the debates:
Alan Baren, Livingston, NJ


President Obama: Critics of the Healthcare Reform Act complain it was passed without one opposition party vote in Congress, and many believe it does not do enough to address reducing long-term healthcare costs and infringes on the rights of Americans by imposing an insurance purchase requirement. How do you respond to that?

Mitt Romney: Clearly there are parts of the Healthcare Reform Act that are provide valuable benefits to Americans; not requiring pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps and allowing children to be insured under their parents policy until 26. When you say you would repeal the Healthcare Reform Act, which parts would you keep and which would you not?

Mitt Romney: You required a health insurance mandate for Massachusetts, yet claim the Federal government should not do this and let each State determine their own path. Why do you think a mandate was a positive thing for Massachusetts but yet not something you think all Americans in all states should have?


To Both Candidates: The biggest challenge for the next Administration and Congress is balancing the reduction of our deficit with stimulating the economy. On stimulating the economy, what stimulus other than tax cuts and reduce regulation would you pursue by the Federal government to create jobs and foster growth - beyond leaving it all to the private sector?

What's your plan to stimulate both private and public jobs?

For the deficit, it is generally agreed to that a balanced approach of increased revenue and decreased spending is needed to successfully address the $16B deficit. What would you specifically do to increase revenue, and which programs would you specifically cut to descrease spending?

Mitt Romney: You have stated that if elected you would cut taxes across the board, and maintain the same tax base on eliminating exemptions and deductions, yet you have not explained what exemptions and deductions you would eliminate. Can you tell us what specific exemptions and deductions you would target cutting or eliminating? Would you cut home mortgage or charity deductions?

My questions for the debates (part 1)
Posted by Alan Baren
09/274/2012, 03:59 AM

My questions for the debates:
Alan Baren, Livingston, NJ


President Obama: Critics of the Healthcare Reform Act complain it was passed without one opposition party vote in Congress, and many believe it does not do enough to address reducing long-term healthcare costs and infringes on the rights of Americans by imposing an insurance purchase requirement. How do you respond to that?

Mitt Romney: Clearly there are parts of the Healthcare Reform Act that are provide valuable benefits to Americans; not requiring pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps and allowing children to be insured under their parents policy until 26. When you say you would repeal the Healthcare Reform Act, which parts would you keep and which would you not?

Mitt Romney: You required a health insurance mandate for Massachusetts, yet claim the Federal government should not do this and let each State determine their own path. Why do you think a mandate was a positive thing for Massachusetts but yet not something you think all Americans in all states should have?


To Both Candidates: The biggest challenge for the next Administration and Congress is balancing the reduction of our deficit with stimulating the economy. On stimulating the economy, what stimulus other than tax cuts and reduce regulation would you pursue by the Federal government to create jobs and foster growth - beyond leaving it all to the private sector?

What's your plan to stimulate both private and public jobs?

For the deficit, it is generally agreed to that a balanced approach of increased revenue and decreased spending is needed to successfully address the $16B deficit. What would you specifically do to increase revenue, and which programs would you specifically cut to descrease spending?

Mitt Romney: You have stated that if elected you would cut taxes across the board, and maintain the same tax base on eliminating exemptions and deductions, yet you have not explained what exemptions and deductions you would eliminate. Can you tell us what specific exemptions and deductions you would target cutting or eliminating? Would you cut home mortgage or charity deductions?

My questions for the debates (part 2)
Posted by Alan Baren
09/274/2012, 03:59 AM

My questions for the debates:
Alan Baren, Livingston, NJ


Mitt Romney: In the videotape released at your May fundraiser in Florida, you stated that 47% of Americans do not pay taxes and as such would not as moved or incented to vote for tax cutting - samller government policies. Your general position on economic growth has been supply-side economics where by cutting taxes keeps more money in people's pockets, especially in the upper class, which as a result, trickles down, creates business and job formation and overall economic growth. If you truly believe in trickled-down economic growth and that it creates jobs for everybody, why would the 47% you referred to not supportive of tax cuts - if it would supposedly create jobs for everybody?


Mitt Romney: Your running mate, Paul Ryan, supports Personhood - which criminalized all abotion and would make use of birth control analogous to pre-medicated murder. Do you support Personhood?

Mitt Romney: Planned Parenthood helped provide less economically privilege Americans to access not just family planning resources, but also breast cancer screenings, HIV screenings, and access to birth control. You have said you would eliminate all funding for Planned Parenthood. Does this put the less privilege at risk of not being able to afford or have access to these other services?

To Both Candidates: Several states lead by Republican initiatives has started imposing increased requirements around what is required for women to make decisions over their own personal healthcare - including in some cases invasive, unnecessary procedures when seeking a legal abortion. What is your view on these new laws? Don't these State laws attempt to circumvent Roe v. Wade, and don't they put more of a burden on poorer women who may need to pay for these procedures or wait in long lines?

My questions for the debates (part 3)
Posted by Alan Baren
09/274/2012, 04:00 AM

My questions for the debates:
Alan Baren, Livingston, NJ


Mitt Romney: Israel - What is your approach to facilitating peace in the Middle East? In your videotop from your May fundraiser, you said "you move things along the best way you can....You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem,"..."We kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it". It seems you are saying "this is a problem so hard to solve, you are giving up on it. Would you proactively try to facilitate peace in the Middle East, or do you truly believe this is an unsolvable problem as you stated and therefore will wait for someone else to address it?

President Obama: Mitt Romney has critized you for not being a strong enough ally to Israel. How do you respond to that?

Mitt Romney: You have criticized the current Administration's poilicy when it comes to Iran and prevenint Iran from developing nuclear weapons capabilities. Can you specify if you were elected President, how your policy towards Iran would be different and what actions you would take differently from the current Administration?

President Obama: In Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to the United Nations last week, he talked about drawing a red line around Iran's nuclear program, and stopping them before not after they reach 90% uranium enrichment - which could be as early as next spring or summer. What actions is the United States willing to make to prevent Iram from obtaining nuclear capabilities and in what timeframe?


Help the American people understand your position on immigration? Should there be a legal path to citizenship for those already in our country? And if so, does that include or not include exportation prior to re-admittance? Do you support the Dream Act?

real life questions that neither of the candidates can probably answer
Posted by cassie
09/274/2012, 03:27 PM

The program to train and equip 350,000 Afghan policemen and soldiers has cost the American taxpayer more than $22 billion in the past three years.

why are we paying for them to be trained? and in the process our loved being hurt/killed?

Here is my questions for the presidential candidates. What are you doing while our men and women are over in Afghan. getting hurt and killed? What are you going to do about it now, not in 2014 but right now? What are you doing to help those soldiers who come home and for the families who have lost a husband/wife/son/daughter?

solyndra, fast & furious
Posted by grant
10/275/2012, 06:04 AM

Given the failures of Solyndra and the hidden information about Fast and Furious, what are you going to do about relaying the truth and being transparent?

Presidential support for Israel
Posted by Marlow
10/275/2012, 02:55 PM

Governor Romney,

You have emphasized your wholehearted support for Israel. If you are elected president, will you pardon Jonathan Pollard, the (then) American Jew convicted of spying for Israel against the United States? Why or why not?

Natural Rights & Its Influence on Governance
Posted by George
10/275/2012, 03:52 PM

What part has the Founder's pronouncement of our Natural Rights played in effecting the history of the United States and to what extent does each candidate's view of Natural Rights effect the heart of his presidency?

Posted by Loretta L Riley
10/275/2012, 05:11 PM

Romney: Sir, do you think the average person could understand your economic policy, yes, please tell me numbers now before the voting. If no, why not?

Obama: What can you do to break the deadlock in Congress?

U.S. Citizen
Posted by Denis Frankenberger
10/275/2012, 06:01 PM


In the face of the Postal Service teetering on bankruptcy and defauting for the second straight month on its benefits payments, why has Congress continued to delay discussions regarding legislation to eliminate Saturday Postal Service delivery and reduce its $5 billion annual payment for future retiree health benefits? When these payments, ordered by Congress in 2006, are unique in which no other government agency or business is required to make.

In fact Postmaster Donahoe told the AP just today: "Absolutely, we would be profitable right now," when asked whether congressional delays were to blame for much of the postal losses, expected to reach a record $15 billion this year.

Denis Frankenberger (502) 648-3636

2806 Little Hills Ln.

Louisville, KY 40223

Posted by Fred Jacobson
10/275/2012, 10:49 PM

It's difficult to create jobs without money and it's difficult to attract business to create U.S. jobs when they can get workers abroad for $1.50/hr.

When the rich and business leaders get tax breaks, many of them invest abroad. Don't these people contribute to the recession?

Posted by Fred Jacobson
10/275/2012, 10:51 PM

The poor don't pay taxes; only the rich and the middle class do. If the rich get a tax refund, the middle class has to pay for it or lose services. Why should the middle class pay for the rich?

Retired widow
Posted by Betty Humphries
10/276/2012, 04:41 PM

My question is this: the unemployment rate does not appear to be going down, yet, in the political ads both presidential nominees have said "if I am voted in office, I will roll out Thousands of jobs. Ok President Obama - you have had 4 years to roll out jobs but our unemployment rate is horrible. Why do you need 4 more years to do what should have already been implemented? Then Mr. Romney - if you are aware and concerned about our economy, why do you have to be in office to roll out thousands of jobs? Seems to me these are nothing more than campaign promises. If you both are true Americans that care for true Americans, why haven't these jobs already been rolled out?

Posted by David Kissel
10/276/2012, 11:33 PM

The current tax revenue is about 16% of GDP. It is the lowest it has ever been in over 20 years. The Rebublican Party twelve years ago started with a surplus in the budget. They lowered taxes, deregulated banks, and started two wars. Thus at the end of 8 years the economy collapsed, from corporate greed and speculation. Please explain how cutting more taxes will increase demand for more goods and create jobs, when history has showed us time and time that it does not work. Please give me the names of 5 or even 2 companies that will swear to hire at least 20 people if thier taxes are cut. Please explain why I am paying 65% of my income to fica, medicare, taxes, health insurance, car insurance and home insurance. Please explain why there is a cutoff income for social security and medicare taxes.
Please explain how your going to eliminate the influence congressional lobbyists.

Posted by Joseph Mirzoeff
10/277/2012, 06:55 AM

Do you think the public has gotten an honest explanation for 9/11 (2001)? 9/11 has justified two wars, homeland security oppression, and debt. Whether or not you think so, do you think the public is entitled to the truth, or do you think the public should be protected from uncomfortable truths?

Lost Wars
Posted by Chris
10/277/2012, 08:03 AM

The direct cost of the war on drugs has topped $1 trillion. Add to that the cost of lost industry in hemp alone, trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs. Now add over 5 trillion exported and untaxed dollars spent on those drugs and ending up in the wallets of cartels. Can we finally call this model a failure, put Americans back to work, start paying down the debt, AND diminish the power of those who despise and attack us?

Circulation district manager
Posted by Don Frakes
10/277/2012, 12:40 PM

How do you propose to get our congress to come to a consensus on any issue? They seem to fight each other, no matter what the question. If 1 party came out in favor of oxygen, the other party would suffocate. Under our present congress, I don't feel it matters who is elected president, because congress will not act.

Posted by Connie Belknap
10/277/2012, 01:03 PM

The Presidents are limited to 2 terms in office. The Congress and Senate do not have the same limitations. How can any real changes be made in the government and policies when the same people are staying in office for 15-20 years and then their children follow in by taking over the offices after the parent retires. I feel that this is remarkabley like a monarchy system inside a democracy.

Posted by Craig Munson
10/277/2012, 04:21 PM

Will any candidate ever put an end to the age old UNETHICAL practice of BRIBERY called "lobbying"? The reason this country is in the dumpster is because our congressman don't work for the majority they represent, but rather they work for the which ever special interest(s) they whore themselves out to, so that they can keep their cush jobs, living large off the taxpayers backs.

Third parties
Posted by Craig
10/277/2012, 04:29 PM

Why is it that the only thing the Dems and GOP agree on, is to lock other political parties out of their debates? Are they afraid that voters brains might explode if they actually consider more than 2 points of view? We live in a complex world with complex issues. There are more than 2 potential solutions to many problems.

Natural born Citizen
Posted by Rodney Spooner
10/277/2012, 04:36 PM

This is the most important question that can be asked over the last thirty-years at any presidential debate that NEVER has been asked.

STATEMENT MADE AND QUESTION ASKED: The public is very familiar with how government constantly promotes debt. What is never mentioned is the "collective" investment wealth held by the thousands of local government and federal operations totaling in the tens of trillions of dollars. Do you support a complete and collective audit tabulation for all local and federal government investments held both domestic AND International, disclosed to the population of the United States starting as of 2013 and each year thereafter?

Posted by Craig
10/277/2012, 04:57 PM

To both candidates: Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that almost 100% of your TV ads are based on bashing your opponent with unabashed half truths and flat out lies. Don't you think the "leader of the free world" should be held to a much higher standard than that? Is it any wonder why a large number of Americans don't vote? Votes have to be earned. The "lesser of the 2 evils" scenario doesn't register with people who have higher standards.

Natural Born Citizen
Posted by Rodney Spooner
10/277/2012, 05:12 PM

To Obama:
Your are a former attorney and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States states that "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Do you agree that the best definition of "Natural born Citizen" is Emerich de Vattel's in Book 1 Chapter 19 of the "Law of Nations" (1758) which is referenced in Article I, Section 8, Clause 10 of the Constitution of the United States?

Realtor, Mother and Wife
Posted by Paula Claret
10/277/2012, 07:06 PM

I live in the state of Mississippi, food stamp fraud is rampid.

When is there going to be accountability of our tax dollars that support medicaid, food stamp programs and disability.

I know personally 3 people who are working, collecting disability and no one knows the difference.

President Obama, if you start with the small things, the bigger things can be addressed.

Middle class americans are suffering because we are carrying the whole nation. Come on!

Posted by ken
10/277/2012, 09:31 PM

neither candidate specified what income classifies one as "middle class."

Posted by Tim Howard
10/277/2012, 09:38 PM

Why does Mr. Romney believe government can be run like a business, when government was never designed to produce a product or profit?

A middle class girl
Posted by Mary
10/277/2012, 09:44 PM

What do you plan to do about homosexual marriage in the US?

Math and Science Teacher
Posted by Joseph Paniaguas
10/277/2012, 09:49 PM

Our woes are due to most people not understanding math and science. The laws of math and science do not change. Mans laws do change.

Misters Obama and Romney please demonstrate your knowledge of these basic principles. Knowing math tools like Excel solver, not what the Presidents grandmother did.

Knowing the business math or return on investment for research credit. There are typically very low returns on basic research. Goals like going to the moon, created industries that had not previously existed and was the best ROI for these projects.

Returning to the moon to use Helium 3 which is plentiful on the moon and rare on earth, will aid the production of clean nuclear fusion power.

Posted by v. mitchell
10/278/2012, 07:53 AM

I would like to see a debate where each candidate is asked a question explaining themselves and not asked to compare the differences between the two,because if each are individually asked the same question ,we, the people are able to compare the differences..also the spokesperson needs to retain control of the debate time.I was disappointed to hear them repeatedly asked to compare themselves to other candidate. Why can't they promote their ideas to the public and agenda for getting it done,instead of he said,she said.

Posted by v. mitchell
10/278/2012, 07:53 AM

I would like to see a debate where each candidate is asked a question explaining themselves and not asked to compare the differences between the two,because if each are individually asked the same question ,we, the people are able to compare the differences..also the spokesperson needs to retain control of the debate time.I was disappointed to hear them repeatedly asked to compare themselves to other candidate. Why can't they promote their ideas to the public and agenda for getting it done,instead of he said,she said.

Retired Senior Citizen
Posted by Samuel A Slaton
10/278/2012, 08:33 PM

Since the constitution doesn't mention Schools or health care and the tenth amendment leaves it to the states, how can the federal government pass laws about them?

Posted by Jeffrey Keith
10/279/2012, 11:27 AM

where will a president Romney stand on health coverage in the case of preexisting conditions? how will this affect a 58 yr old self-employed father with a cancer history and a child with asthema?

Posted by Jeffrey Keith
10/279/2012, 11:30 AM

Gov. Romney has said (dismissively) that Pres. Obama seeks to halt the rise of the oceans. What is Gov. Romney's position on global warming and what responsibility does the government have to address it?

Posted by Robert Murphy
10/280/2012, 07:56 AM

Is climate change a major problem for Americans? If so, how should the President of the United States respond?

Posted by Robert Murphy
10/280/2012, 08:11 AM

What do you mean when you talk about defending "human rights"? Do people have a right to food and water, to housing and energy, and to other necessities?

Posted by Joe Burke
10/280/2012, 12:29 PM

In 2009 the IRS created an amnesty program for people who broke federal tax law by placing funds in certain UBS Swiss bank accounts.

Do you support such amnesty programs for those for break the law, and are granted amnesty only if they are caught?

Posted by Joe Burke
10/280/2012, 12:30 PM

If a voucher program is introduced into the Medicare system for those currently under 55, is there an absolute guarantee in the law that such a voucher system could be implemented for those over 55, including current seniors who are receiving Medicare benefits?

Posted by Joe Burke
10/280/2012, 12:32 PM

If exemptions and deductions, such as home mortgage interest, are eliminated or reduced under a proposal such as Simpson Bowles is it true that reducing the tax rate will not necessarily lower the tax bill for most Americans?

Posted by Lori Johnson
10/280/2012, 07:18 PM

What is your stance on abortion?
And why or why not do you support it?

Posted by Joe Burke
10/282/2012, 09:02 AM

There has been great debate over the setting of a deadline for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan while at the same time America has been encouraged to draw a line in the sand with respect to Iranian nuclear aspirations. How does one reconcile these seemingly inconsistent positions in light of two facts-a similar deadline for troop withdrawal in Iraq was relatively uneventful, and the economic sanctions in Iran appear to creating internal conflict?

Co-Founder & Spokesman
Posted by John Pierce - OpenCarry.org
10/282/2012, 02:58 PM

The Second Amendment Question we need the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates to Answer!

Governor Romney/President Obama or Representative Ryan/Vice President :

A divided United States Supreme Court has twice ruled by way of razor thin 5 to 4 votes that the Second Amendment “guarantee[s] the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”

However the 4 dissenting justices in District of Columbia v. Heller stated that “self-defense . . . is not the [Second] Amendment’s concern.”

If you are elected and have the occasion to nominate a Supreme Court justice, will you choose a nominee who believes that the Second Amendment is concerned with the individual right of self-defense, or one who believes that self-defense is not the Second Amendment’s concern?

foreign aid
Posted by Ken Gilbertson
10/282/2012, 04:19 PM

If we must cut domestic spending, ie. social security, medicare, medicaid etc., shouldn't we be cutting foreign aid too? How much will either candidate cut from foreign aid? Most countries dislike us, so why give them money?

President of DiamondTrade.com
Posted by Danny Morehead
10/284/2012, 05:01 PM

Do either of the candidates think it would be a good idea to ask our senators and congressmen to go abroad to foreign countries and ask the companies that left America to come back.

Trade with China
Posted by David Tuthill
10/285/2012, 12:42 PM

Romney is going to impose new sanctions on China due to currency manipulation. Please explain what impact it will have on all the business, such as GM, APPLE, Walmart, Starbucks etc who do business in China as well as its impact on inflation in the US.

Ready Fire Aim
Posted by Lew Blum
10/285/2012, 02:37 PM

The Obama administration has accused Gov Romney of speaking out on the Cairo/Libya situation before he knew any facts. How does the Obama administration respond to their statements concerning the Libyan attact (not a terrorist attack), the Arizona immigration lawsuit (we plan to sue but have not read the bill), the Cambridge incident (I don't have the facts but it's clear the Cambridge police overreacted), and the ACA (we have to pass it before we can find out what is in it).

Posted by Lew Blum
10/285/2012, 02:41 PM

I am on Medicare and my wife, age 57, cannot get health insurance due to a medical condition - not a pre-existing condition. She now has coverage under the Federal Option of the ACA. If Gov Romney is elected and the ACA is repealed my wife will be again unable to get health insurance. How does Gov Romney's plan handle this situation so my wife can get health insurance.

Health Insurance
Posted by Interested and concerned
10/285/2012, 08:01 PM

For Gov. Romney:
because you are Medicare eligible and your wife is not of age yet - but she has medical issues -
What kind of health insurance coverage do you and she have ?
Thank you for your honest response.

Health Insurance
Posted by Interested and concerned
10/285/2012, 08:01 PM

For Gov. Romney:
because you are Medicare eligible and your wife is not of age yet - but she has medical issues -
What kind of health insurance coverage do you and she have ?
Thank you for your honest response.

Dysfunctional Government
Posted by Rick Brillante
10/286/2012, 08:21 AM

Recognizing there are a number of critical issues to be addressed to help solve this countries issues, my question goes to the the heart of what seems to be systemic across party lines.
How will each candidate improve the working function of government where parties come together and apply experience and intelligence rather than draw party lines?
How would you do this differently than past presidential candidates?

Thank you for your response.

Account Executive
Posted by Rick Ravenelli
10/286/2012, 09:24 AM

"We have $7.7 trillion worth of economic events that are going to hit America in December, also known as "the Fiscal cliff", What do you propose to do about it?"

Questions for Romney
Posted by Robert P. Campbell
10/286/2012, 05:11 PM

Question number 1
Is money more important than the environment?
If yes: The King James Bible has several references about taking care of the earth. The Book of Mormon has no references about taking of the earth, is this why money is more important to you?
If no: What are you going to do about the 45 tons of mercury emissions being redistributed by coal fired power plants? The unnatural redistribution of mercury is poisoning our food supply, especially fish by a process called mercury methylation.

Question number 2
Are you in favor of subsidizing big Oil?
Question number 3
Who funds Grover Norquist’s Foundation millionaires, billionaires, or terrorists?

Posted by Gary J. Altwegg
10/286/2012, 05:38 PM

This is a very specific question.
What do you think about the Senate's vote of 58 to 42 in declining to support a one billion dollar expediture to support medical health benefits for military personal, especially in light of the trillions of dollars of the cost of the two wars over the past several years.

Thank you.

Posted by Charles Laporte
10/286/2012, 06:16 PM

why should we as a nation borrow money to give it to other countries and /or grants to people.As a person we don't borrow money to give it away and go into debt.Why are we going further in deat to bemefit others.Maybe we need to get rid of congress and get finacial people to run the money part and lawyer to make laws and millatary to run the arm forces

Posted by Phyllis Mossing
10/286/2012, 11:15 PM

Knowing Mr Romney is a business man, I want to know if he is willing to give up his financial interest in all companies and blind trust for his four year term if he is elected ? That way the American people know he would be doing what is best for the country, and not his own wallet. I would also ask that he be able to prove this was done.

factors contributing to health care cost
Posted by Bhavu Patel
10/287/2012, 11:27 AM

Given the rising cost of healthcare, largely contributed by chronic diseases due to obesity, as well as the rapidly increasing rates of obesity, especially childhood obesity, why are subsidies still given to foods that are unhealthy? What can be done to make Americans healthy again? In addition to providing access to health care, what can be done by policy in order to ensure that the citizens have access to affordable healthy food options and safe neighborhoods for physical activity?

Iran Nukes
Posted by Ivan Eriksson
10/287/2012, 01:27 PM

Mr. Rommey, if as president the sanctions do not stop from developing nuclear weapons, would you in conjunction or without Israel, use the U.S. Military against Iran?

Questions concerning the Executive Branch
Posted by Karen ; Mebane NC
10/287/2012, 01:43 PM

I have 2 questions specifically concerning the Executive Branch:
1. On a personal level, I'd like to know if over the next 4 years, will whom ever wins the election make any changes to the executive budget i.e. be a better steward of tax payer dollars? Specific areas of contention over the past 4 years for example would be: While in NY to Address the United Nations, if given the chance would you utilize that time to meet with heads of state on the tax payers dime OR would you choose to take advantage to bolster your own political career IE "eye candy' (sic) on a talk show; would the next 4 years include czars on the taxpayer dollar or; would the first lady be flying independent of the President throughout the world for personal pleasure; finally exactly how much of the executive budget would be allotted to the 1st lady since she is not an elected official or on the taxpayer payroll?

2. The VP stated that 'they' (meaning the President and Vice President) did not KNOW that the Ambassador of Libya requested more security; WHY didn't they know -- don't they attending daily briefings? If not, WHY?

Solutions Architect
Posted by Timothy M. Bishop
10/288/2012, 03:18 PM

Timothy M. Bishop
Democrat from Princetown, NY

The US Debt Crisis all but guarantees the destruction of our economy, if not our nation, akin to what recently happened to Greece.

This IBM Financial Analyst explains it, quite nicely, in laymen's terms:
http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EW5IdwltaAc? ...

So my question presupposes some knowledge of the debt crisis, as follows:

How long do you envision the US economy surviving the current Debt Crisis before we become like Greece?

What plans do you have to avoid the complete economic failure of our economy given that our taxes do not even cover current mandatory obligations and debt interest, which requires us to borrow money to cover these obligations, IN ADDITION TO every dollar of our Federal Government's operating expenses?

Year 2012 debt is 16.53 Trillion, which is 25% of the entire world's Gross Domestic Product ( from all other nations combined ), and is projected to grow to 25.9 Trillion in 2021, so how would you curtail our Debt Crisis and stop this economy destroying cancer?

Please choose one of these questions, if not all, as this is likely the most important issue facing our nation.

If we do not get Washington to admit this problem and pull together to resolve this national crisis, then we should likely move to a financially solvent country, prior to the riots!

Posted by Louis Schiffman
10/288/2012, 04:52 PM

Simply put, why did you send the bust of Churchill back to England?

Posted by pam bock
10/288/2012, 06:03 PM

My question is. If Mr. Romney wants to be the people to support him as president, shouldn't he support his county by having all his money in the US BANKS? Is his money on swiss accounts and Caymen banks so he doesn't have to pay the taxes on it, that he asking the American people to pay?

Posted by george crenshaw
10/289/2012, 08:19 AM

which ever party wins in november, will Congress and the President be strong enough to institute austerity measures like in europe to put us back on the path to fiscal responsibility or will they continue to 'kick the can down the road' thus ensuring another and possibly worse 'great depression'?

Posted by Shaun
10/289/2012, 02:32 PM

I would like to know where the canidates stand on Parental rights as fundamental right of all citzens of the United states - do you beleive these to be a fundamental right under the constitution and should they be afforded due process?

Posted by Ben Wood
10/289/2012, 04:39 PM

I would like to ask the candidates if they would be willing to propose a flexible flat income tax rate for all citizens regardless of financial standings. I would also ask if they do not, Why?

Tax-paying Citizen
Posted by Douglas Sarbach
10/289/2012, 07:25 PM

General Motors is held out as a great success coming out of our recession. Why is it that no one mentions that GM pays no federal income taxes since the bailout, now, or in the future ?

Posted by nancy sellars
10/289/2012, 07:34 PM

Romney is paying 13% taxes. How much is he paying in Social Security and Medicare taxes?

Posted by MN Voter
10/289/2012, 07:46 PM

If Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion is outlawed, will a woman who miscarries be investigated for breaking the law? What should the penalties be for the woman?

Creating Jobs
Posted by MN Voter
10/289/2012, 07:48 PM

Romney/Ryan say they will create 12 million jobs. How was this number arrived at and how will government do this? From what industries and size of businesses will these jobs come from?

Government is Bad
Posted by MN Voter
10/289/2012, 07:53 PM

Romney/Ryan talk about trickle down government, getting government out of the way and generally implying government is always "bad". Don't we have the strongest country in the world because of a good national government system? Does this ticket think the federal government has any role besides defense in assisting its citizens?

Posted by Thomas Zander
10/289/2012, 09:25 PM

Why did Valerie Jarrett have more security on her vacation on Martha's Vinyard than Chris Stevens had at Benghazi?

US Citizen
Posted by Caren
10/289/2012, 10:42 PM

What role does the Mormon religion and doctrines play in Romney's political choices and decision?

Posted by Jay Simmons
10/290/2012, 12:45 AM

As you are aware, information is easy to come by. However, correct information is hard to come by. What will you do you make your policies and actions in office more visible and accessible to the public? Would you agree to post any and all budgets and healthcare proposals on the White House website in its entirety?

Criminal Defense Attorney
Posted by Alex Seiberth
10/290/2012, 02:30 AM

To each candidate:
"If the other guy wins, what important piece of advice would you like to be able to give him about
1) What is the most important thing to accomplish in the next 4 years of the Presidency and
2) What is the greatest hazard to watch out for, for America.

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 09:07 AM

No presidential candidate or candidate for Congress really seems to know 'what the people want' because they either never ask this directly or because the questions they do ask are worded with a pre-suggested answer. To help correct this, would you be in favor of adding to Presidential Ballots in the future a series of practical questions for the voter to more precisely determine which direction they want the President and Congress to move toward? Examples of possible questions. Would you be in favor of moving toward a flat income tax as opposed to our present income tax system? Would you prefer that our country move to become energy independent by going more green (wind, solar, perhaps natural gas) as opposed to using more coal or drilling for more oil in the Gulf of Mexico or on public lands including on National Parks)? Are you in favor of establishing a national repository for nuclear waste as opposed to leaving such waste at individual nuclear reactor sites? Would you like to see added to the Bill of Rights the Right to Home/Property ownership as an essential human right, such that this would force government at all levels to enact policies to make homes-properties easier to obtain and keep for those genuinely desiring a home (by placing controls on how much profit banks can make on home loans, by mandating banks have safety clauses for homeowners in the event of individual disaster, by preventing anyone to have the ability to place a lien on a home, by preventing property or other taxes on a primary home-property, by preventing the taking away of a home through a lawsuit, as examples)? Aside from using tax dollars to put funds into a retirement plan for currently employed government workers as part of their income, would you be in favor of passing a law that prevents government from having to use tax dollars to pay an additional amount for such pension (when their pension funds cannot) to retired government (or other) workers? Would you be in favor of simplifying and/or making flat the income and health tax businesses have to pay? Would you like a national health care plan as opposed to a plan of open-market insurance care? Policy questions, if asked directly and simply, and if asked as part of a ballot, would give to government officials at all levels a much clearer idea of what the general public wants (and/or demands). A simple common-sense practical idea someone should make happen.

Posted by C. Michael Nesser
10/290/2012, 09:40 AM

I would like to ask President Obama why he knowingly violated the US Constitution by appointing Federal Judges without Senate approval. And saying it was a weekend or the Senate was not in session at that particular time or he was in a hurry to appoint a judge to a vacant seat is an unacceptable answer. When he was sworn in in Jan. 2009 he took a binding oath to obey the Constitution. So my question is why did he violate his oath to obey the Constitution?

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 09:52 AM

We live in an age of widespread greed. Many of our citizens (at all levels of income) seem to increasingly expect government or others to take care of their every need, to a level beyond mere survival need, to the need of a life of luxury. In our age of government financial instability, why are politicians (including the two main candidates for office) promoting the idea that we should be paying smaller and smaller amounts of income taxes as opposed to saying we are all responsible for government and should all pay (including business) the same rate, of perhaps a flax income tax of 20% to 25% (this would include everything, from national, state, and local income taxes to healthcare taxes to social security taxes, etc. - with exemptions only for those individuals making less than $100,001 annually)? What are your views of a flat tax? If you are in favor of it, to what percentage, and how, would you implement it? A 20% income tax is not a high tax to pay for expected government services (security, healthcare, education, policies promoting home-property ownership, employment, water-food-energy).

I present a second question. We have government officials, and even those candidates for the Presidency (the top two, at any rate) addressing the need for social security and medicare restructuring (in some form) without even looking at the need for pension plan reform first (an outflow of money from tax payers to government to government retirees that is approaching staggering unsustainable collective levels). Why is this? What are your positions on addressing pension reform? I, myself, don't mind funding tax dollars for existing government workers to put into their pension plans as part of their salary benefit, but I do mind having to use tax dollars to pay yet more for the pensions of retired workers when their pension plans cannot fulfill the promises they made to their workers. I only wish I could make half, annually, of what some of these pensions are (70% of an annual salary of $100,000 = $70,000 per year in government funded pensions for one individual). Let's address pension reform before determining the need for social security and medicaid reform.

Off-setting 20% tax cuts
Posted by Voter
10/290/2012, 09:55 AM

Mr. Romney.
To off-set your 20% across the board tax plan you mention you will work with congress to determine deductions to cut. If elected and the democrats state their number one goal is to keep you from a second term by filibuster all republican initiatives, how will you off-set the tax cuts?

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 10:05 AM

For an office as important as the Presidency, I think it a disgrace to only have the top two candidates (representing the top two parties) for a Presidential Debate. There are other candidates with truly remarkable (and practical) ideas to help guide our country to sustained greatness - yet the majority of voters will never have the opportunity to hear such individuals on a national level. I guess only the exceptionally rich can afford to be heard nowadays. This truly hurts our elective process. The candidate from the Green Party, for example, has a truly exceptional array of ideas to help rich and poor alike move progressively forward. Yet, we will never hear her because of existent debate policies. Would you be favorable of changing debate policies to include a minimum of two candidates of some of the other parties for such debate? Would you be in favor of including the candidates from the Independent and Green Parties for the third debate?

software engineer
Posted by Gregg
10/290/2012, 11:28 AM

Due to the large number of viewers, I would like the candidates to make statements telling voters to remain civil and ethical in their actions during the election. There was a report of a gun shot at one of the Obama offices, There has been statements in the news relating to people making statement of some lady that she should die for supporting Romney, and there has been speculation that there was voter fraud in the past that might continue into this election. It is understood that each candidtate would like to win and they think they are the better choice for the position. For candidate to be a leader, the person should lead. Each candidate should make a statement telling voters to be lawful in their act of campaining, and voting if they support said person or party. They should condem the acts which may be unethical, violent, or "excesive" of people who support them. This could benefit each candidate, but right now it might benefit America more.

9/11 Reaction
Posted by Condie
10/290/2012, 11:30 AM

How would you as President have reacted to to the 9/11 attack? How would your reaction have been different than George Bush's?

Posted by Dana Osayande
10/290/2012, 12:11 PM

If Romney had a better idea on how Health Care Reform should be legislated (to let the States each decide), what did he do to contribute to the discussion when President Obama originally asked for bipartisan cooperation?

Posted by Dana Osayande
10/290/2012, 12:14 PM

Romney may appear to be 2 faced to the 47% he dissed. In a room with his supporters he talked negatively about the 47%. Then during and after the debate in the public face of everyone, he said that he stood for all citizens. How is he going to put his money where his mouth is and prove that he is not just a two-faced liar - being one person behind closed doors and another in public?

Posted by Holly Stripling
10/290/2012, 12:21 PM

Mr President and Governor Romney,with all that is asked and replied throughout the debates, which one of you is telling the truth and how can you prove it? For example, do the civilian votes count? And if so, which one of you are willing to promote the truth to the Americans and encourage them that their vote counts in their local areas.

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 01:16 PM

I have a question for the candidates with respect to healthcare. In our current health system, the price of healthcare prohibits its' use for many an American citizen. I believe that a few tweaks of our present system of healthcare would, at the least, allow more citizens to access such healthcare in times of need. With this in mind, I would ask each candidate the following questions. Would you be in favor of mandating that all healthcare and mental-health providers accept Medicare patients until their caseloads reach 10% of patients with Medicare insurance? [*Yes, the practitioner would not get a huge reimbursement (well the truth be told, some would) for services rendered but I would argue we all need to sacrifice to get a handle on healthcare costs while extending availability.] Would each candidate be in favor of reducing the 20% co-pay for those of limited financial means? Would each candidate be in favor of streamlining Medicare requirements and/or procedures to more readily allow licensed, certified, and/or supervised caregivers to become medicare-certified to receive payment for services, and for procedures to allow providers to receive Medicare reimbursement for rendered services more readily? Would you be in favor of expanding the list of caregivers who would be able to provide services - to include Dentists, Psychologists, Mental Health Workers, etc.?

In America, we need to cut healthcare costs while allowing more individuals the opportunity for healthcare, especially for those incapable of paying the high prices of treatment. By tweaking our present system a little, we could open up healthcare for millions needing such and give to practitioners some additional limited income in a readily-done way.

Printing Money
Posted by Luke From Chicago
10/290/2012, 01:23 PM

There is a clear problem with the value of the U.S. Dollar continuing to fall at a very rapid rate. What are each candidates views on the massive amounts of currency that has been printed especially over recent years? What is their plan to reverse the trend of the failing dollar?

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 01:42 PM

[*If I ask enough questions, perhaps some of these will be presented to the candidates as debate questions!]

The United States maintains an extensive array of posts and ports throughout the world. Because we have an advanced fleet of aircraft carriers and associated equipment and technologies allowing us the ability to gather data and process missions across the globe in a financially efficient way - I ask this question.

To help reduce government expenses would you be in favor of vastly cutting overseas bases-operations and bringing those service connected personnel home? [*If you want bases, I'm sure we could move some to the states. And, remember, we still have all those aircraft carriers that can be used as 'overseas' bases!]

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 01:51 PM

If global CO2 and temperatures continue to rise, with subsequent increases in polar ice melting, the oceans will rise, by very conservative estimates, another six feet. My question for the candidates is this. Do you have any plans for managing the mass migrations of citizens, from low lying sea-side cities, that would subsequently be needed? How would you manage the migrations from the Florida Keys, from South Florida, from New York City, from Baltimore, as examples?

Little man with an education and a practical mind
Posted by Barry Supranowicz
10/290/2012, 02:24 PM

There are a ton of individuals (including politicians and government officials alike) that believe solar power and wind technologies to be too expensive to be viable for significant use for our country's future power needs. I would ask each Candidate for the Presidency the following questions. Why is solar power so expensive in this country? [*Four to five hundred dollars for a 250 watt panel is very expensive.] Do you know what solar panels consist of? My point in this is simple. Solar panels should be relatively inexpensive to make. The technology behind them is utterly simple. Solar panels are made of silicone, aluminum or iron, and copper - four plentiful elements. The ingredients and technologies needed to manufacture such panels should be inexpensive. The Chinese have set up, in less than a decade, hundreds of companies able to produce quality solar panels for a lot less cost than in the US, even with the costs of shipping added. They can't be that difficult to manufacture. [*Hey, if I had one billion dollars to play with, I could manufacture 250-watt solar panels for $100.00 each, and be churning them out in under three years. It's not that hard to do scientifically.] So - I ask the candidates the question again. Why are solar panels so expensive to make in this country?

Question two. In the United States local, state, and federal policies seem to be promoting unsustainable home properties for the vast majority of our citizens (i.e., homes with under 1/2 to 1 acre of property). Sustainable property means having sufficient property to have a well, have a garden, to have a septic system, and to have solar and/or wind power in enough quantity to sustain the occupants-family of such home in the event of a local, regional, national, and/or (God forbid) global disaster. In the event of such disasters, individuals-families in unsustainable properties must move to survive (to procure water, food, energy, and waste elimination) with many then going into survival mode (taking-stealing through violence those things they need). With this in mind, I ask each candidate the following two questions. Would you be in favor of changing national policies with respect to sustainable home properties and green energy to allow for restrictions in the amount of unsustainable home-properties being promoted? Would you be in favor of moving in the direction of pushing affordable wind and solar power for homeowners, with the same intensity as has been done in Germany?

Lower Pay for
Posted by Debra
10/290/2012, 04:00 PM

If you were asked today to sign a petition for those in the higher paying government offices to start making hourly wages would you? If so I can give you the link to go to.

The petition is basically asking those in the government run offices like Governors, Congressmen/women, Senators, etc.... to please consider the enormity of their salary versus that of the everyday worker who does not get the same salary or paid vacation time or length. You are not that special.

http://signon.org/sign/hourly-wages-for-government ...Thank you.

Posted by David E. LaClair Jr
10/290/2012, 07:13 PM

Nobody seems to be bringing up this NDAA issue that President Obama signed into law and I want to know why. Is it because both candidates support this unconstitutional law?

Healthcare/Medicare/Medicade elephant in the room
Posted by stewart chaimson
10/290/2012, 07:27 PM

When speaking about the cost of healthcare (both for working age people and those on Medicare/Medicaid)I wish the candidates would acknowldege that the elephant in the room is us. That is, obesity isn't just causing a financial crisis for Medicare/Medicaid, it's causing a personal health crisis for millions. And just as we relied on the government to make us wear seat belts and helmets, I would like to hear proposals from the candidates on how to address the public health (and financial) crisis which obesity is causing.

Healthcare/Medicare/Medicade elephant in the room(extended)
Posted by stewart chaimson
10/290/2012, 07:36 PM

When speaking about the cost of healthcare (both for working age people and those on Medicare/Medicaid)I wish the candidates would acknowldege that the elephant in the room is us. That is, obesity isn't just causing a financial crisis for Medicare/Medicaid, it's causing a personal health crisis for millions. And just as we relied on the government to make us wear seat belts and helmets, I would like to hear proposals from the candidates on how to address the public health (and financial) crisis which obesity is causing. I believe Romny may be advocating vouchers which may give a financial incentive to participants to stay fit (that is, the voucher may be enough to get coverage for someone who stays fit, and a big premium may be required for people who are not). I believe it is fair that people pay more if "lifestyle choices" are the cause of their medical conditions. I suppose it's too much to hope the candidates would address this issue directly.

Retired USAF
Posted by Jerry Hardison
10/290/2012, 08:48 PM

I am a registered Republican but I don't see (or hear) any definitive solutions; only unfounded promises and that bothers me. I have, what I believe, is a very pertinent question for Mr. Romney: What makes you think that you can get a congress that is so divided by anything and everything, to accomplish something (anything) if you are elected President? Please don't use the word "leadershp" because the Congress passes laws (and taxes) not the President. Is compromise going to be a word that will achieve results that are in the best for our country" Or, will the petty party differences outweigh what is really good for our nation. Washington isn't about our people any more. It's money and power. Mr. Obama is not a bad President. I actually like him (but not all of his ideas). It's Congress that blocks anything the President proposes.

Posted by no name
10/290/2012, 09:41 PM

How is Governor Romney's tax plan helping a person who doesn't have interest, dividends, or capital gains. The banks aren't paying interest at this time, and I have long since left the risky stock market. What if I don't have children going to college? How is his "basket" of deductions going to help someone who has no child care, children in college, or mortgage interest?

Posted by anonymous
10/290/2012, 09:43 PM

For President Obama, what is the monetary figure that was already in the deficit when he took office? How much of the deficit is contributed to the fight agains terrorism?

Posted by Jeanine Shackelford
10/290/2012, 09:46 PM

What tax break and health insurance can a husband and wife without children get. We get the same taxes and deductibles as a family have. We pay school taxes with no children that go to school.

Middle class construction worker
Posted by Rob
10/290/2012, 10:28 PM

Many American business's have become have to find. And this is a fact, it is because of illegal immigrants. I live in Long Island ny and here alone on the east end of the island there are thousands of illegal immigrants running construction jobs and helping out other immigrants. If you honestly wanted to help America and jobs and the middle class you would set a mandatory immigrant deport in effect. That alone will create more jobs for Americans and fix 85% of the economy problems. I lost jobs an couldn't get hired because of immigrants doing everything for under minimum wage.

Small Business Owner
Posted by Tonya
10/290/2012, 10:43 PM

My questions is pertaining to when President Obama was coming down on Romney's immigration statement.
How is it different to be asked to see documention (green card, or work visa) that a person belongs in our country than a Fish & Game Enforcement Officer asking for your hunting license and tag showing what your hunting for?
I strongly disagree that President Obama is for the small business owner. Being a small business owner myself, it is VERY difficult to survive during these times!

orthopedic surgeon
Posted by craig mcallister, m.d.
10/291/2012, 10:38 AM

I had a medicare patient's surgery cancelled a week before surgery because a clerical at cms decided he didn't need the surgery. This has never been done before and is a direct consequence of ObamaCare. Does the President anticipate that ObamaCare will involve government interference in the relationship between doctors and patients?

Posted by Nancy Connolly
10/291/2012, 05:03 PM

A leader is only as good as those persons he/she surrounds himself with. How can we be sure you will appoint the best person(s) for the job and, more importantly, how can you get Republicans and Democrats to work together for those they work for:.. "We the people"? We are, after all, the UNITED States of America.

Posted by Deanna Krivitza
10/293/2012, 02:49 AM

The death of al Qaeda's leader, Osama Bin Ladin was indeed a significant milestone for the United States, however the threats against the al Qaeda organization still presents a tremendous threat against America. As America still continues to remain at war with al Qaeda, despite the death of Bin Ladin and other related leaders, do you feel the threat against terrorism in the United States has decreased and do you feel that the United States is fully equipped with the intelligence and the neccesary tactics that are required to embrace a tragedy like 9/11 if the enemy were to strike again?

Posted by Chris Kildahl
10/293/2012, 02:32 PM

Mr. Romney:
You stated that you don't have to worry about the 47% of Americans who "feel they are entitled to certain things". You also stated that you feel that students that are in college should not borrow money or take out loans or grants to pay for their education, but instead, their parents should have to pay for it. My question is how is my mother, who raised four boys on her own, works seven days a week with no paid time off, no benefits, no holidays off, supposed to pay for my college education when she makes less than $20,000 a year? She goes days without eating anything to make sure my two younger brothers have a roof over their head, but yet, she should pay for my education? You, Mr. Romney, aren't going to worry about people becoming homeless, especially two eleven year old boys because my mother works very hard, and yet still needs help? And she is supposed to pay for my education while I attend school to obtain an education to improve my own families life? Please explain yourself. Thank you. Concerned citizen from Wisconsin.

The root of Health Care dilemma
Posted by Chris Johnsen
10/293/2012, 03:44 PM

Which of you candidates will address the REAL problem with health care, and explore WHY it costs so much? Not just accept that it does and then force people in a "free" country to buy a commodity (insurance) to deal with it? Money is a zero sum game. It's leaving health care consumers pockets faster than ever. Which means it's going INTO someone else's pockets just as fast. It's not evaporating into thin air. Providers and insurers charge what they do because they CAN! Let's not forget, health care is a for-profit industry. One of the biggest hospital groups in my city is constantly popping up fancy clinics all over town. Guess what? They're not doing that because they're losing money. So which of you candidates wants to open up the health care industry to full blown competition instead of accepting the gouging and trying to come up with a creative way to pay for the beating the health care INDUSTRY keeps giving us? (Note: A good start might be to stop the industry bribery going in with Congress; aka "lobbying".)

College Student
Posted by Josh from WV
10/294/2012, 07:41 AM

Would either candidate be in favor if the "Flat Tax" and how would they set it up in order to close loopholes?

Peace and stability in DR Congo
Posted by Jeff Boyd
10/294/2012, 10:09 AM

President Obama/Governor Romney, the US has long been a player in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Rwanda, which receive millions from us in foreign aid. In the past 15 years more than five million people in the Congo have died, and rape has routinely been used as a weapon in a war fueled by conflict minerals and by the abuse of militia and government forces. Recently the UN Security Council’s Group of Experts reported that there is clear evidence that Rwanda has been supporting militia groups that continue to cause great suffering in the eastern Congo.

The US promotes itself as a moral force for good in this world. How will your administration use American economic, financial, political and moral capital to press for peace and development in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

World View
Posted by Michael Ogle
10/294/2012, 01:06 PM

Much has been said about the reductions in the military budget, with Romney proposing to reinstate the proposed reductions. However, no one seems to be concerned that the U.S. government is funding something on the order of 850 military bases around the world. And some estimate that the total cost of the Department of Defense approaches 10 billion annually, but no one seems to know precisely how much the DOD spends. What kind of "democracy" is it that is attempting to "police" the world? Imperialistic? How many domestic infrastructure jobs could be supported with an appropriate and gradual pull back from this 'foreign' policy?

Posted by A.K. Higgins
10/295/2012, 03:33 AM

As it currently stands, the average American, if able to afford it, can do everything in his/her power to be insured. Some are regulatory: for cars; tags, titles, drivers licenses, etc. Some are not regulatory: as in health or life insurance, to assure the continuity of a family after a loved one is gone. Can you please explain to me why a life insurance company is legally able to deny a life insurance policy if it is deemed as, "An Act Of War"? If a Man or Woman is sitting at his or her desk, and finds themselves under attack, please explain to me, why, after paying in, sometimes years, of premiums, they are not allowed their payout as if in an accident? Please also explain to me why our fighting Men and Women have to sign up for a separate policy because these same life insurance companies are NOT forced to pay, even though millions of us pay into them. Oh, I forgot. Most of you were supposed to be cash-solvent if *every single last one* of your disasters had to cash out. You guys are DISGUSTING.
http://www.famag.com/component/content/article/425 ...

Where is the patriotism?
Posted by Dereck
10/296/2012, 02:48 AM

What will you do to restore faith in this country? Are you in support of taking the pledge of allegiance out of schools? Why? Why should the 1st amendment protect those that maliciously burn the american flag? Are you willing to take the hard stand against those that abuse freedom and give nothing back to this great nation?

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