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The U.S. and Islam | In the Middle East, history teaches us what not to do, over and over again
The only way to achieve our goals in the region is to relentlessly promote self-determination, support moderate Islamists -- and not expect miracles, writes a former CIA station chief. Trying to impose our ways, as we should know by now, will only be counterproductive.

Dining on MRSA | The antibiotics you're eating without knowing it
Over 70 percent of antibiotics go to livestock, not people; they are used on over 83 percent of grower-finisher swine farms, cattle feedlots, and sheep farms and found in 48 percent of U.S. streams.

Measuring the right things | Growth does not equal progress: Why GDP is (increasingly) obsolete
Gross Domestic Product badly overstates the benefits of unequal growth and understates the value of intangibles, writes an advocate of alternative measurements. As a result, journalists should stop granting it talismanic significance in defining the nation's progress.

Transparency | A Wikileaks-type website for Appalachia
Activists, their eye on coal companies and government, encourage whistle-blowers to post documents online. They promise confidentiality and plan to act as a conduit to reporters.

A win-win? | The mounting case for a Financial Transaction Tax
With the EU almost sure to add an FTT, there is ample reason for America to follow suit – and for reporters to study the benefits and risks. The benefits are that an FTT would help stabilize financial markets. The risks are that it won't be done well.

Low GOP turnout | Anybody but Romney -- except Gingrich, Santorum or Paul
The low Florida primary turnout -- a decline of 15 percent from 2008 -- continues to show GOP voters as indifferent to their presidential candidates. Only South Carolina, where Gingrich won big, seems to have been an exception.

Church and state | Does God speak to the Republican National Committee?
Rather than more questions about Romney's taxes or Gingrich's adultery, debate moderators would be better off asking the candidates their views on a unanimously adopted RNC resolution stating that God wants a one-state solution for Israel, writes Paul Pillar.

Envy | Romney on income inequality and 'quiet rooms'
Henry Banta writes that Mitt Romney may not be a capitalist at all, but a pre-capitalist, right out if the Middle Ages, when workers (i.e., those not in the noble 1%) were kept in their place.

An insider's view | How the media enable the Republican tax agenda
Mike Lofgren, the former Republican congressional staffer who recently decried the descent of the GOP into lunacy, blames the press for not holding politicians accountable for their budgetary flimflam in the service of the rich. The result: A miserably misinformed public.

'A job creation myth' | New research weakens case for small business tax relief
Tax breaks for upper-income brackets are unlikely to help job creators, studies find, despite all the political rhetoric.

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